WABA Then & Now
The West Alameda Business Association (WABA) was established in the 1990s as a Business Improvement Area (BIA) to support and promote local businesses in West Alameda, California. Focused on the Webster Business District, Alameda Landing, Alameda Point, Ballena Bay, and other businesses west of Grand Street, WABA strives to cultivate a vibrant and thriving community environment. Over the years, WABA has been pivotal in the economic and cultural development of West Alameda.
The association has organized impactful community events, advocated for infrastructure improvements, and fostered a strong sense of community among local businesses and residents. These efforts have transformed Webster Street into a bustling corridor of diverse boutiques, restaurants, and service providers. The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 posed unprecedented challenges, and West Alameda was no exception. WABA responded by collaborating with the City of Alameda and other organizations to support the local business community. A key initiative was the Alameda Strong community grant program, which provided financial relief to small businesses affected by the economic downturn. Additionally, WABA played a crucial role in the city’s Commercial Streets Program, launched in June 2020, which repurposed roadways along Park and Webster Streets to expand outdoor dining, retail, and services. This program helped businesses operate safely during health restrictions and streamlined permit processes for outdoor expansions.
During this time, WABA introduced The Healing Garden at 1435 Webster Street. Originally the Al Fresco Dining Park, it evolved into a permanent community space for events, celebrations, and casual gatherings. Featuring art installations by local LGBTQ and BIPOC artists, The Healing Garden became a symbol of resilience, diversity, and community strength. In February 2024, after seven and a half years of service, Executive Director Linda Asbury retired and was succeeded by Elissa Glickman. With over 25 years of experience, Glickman has committed to advancing WABA's mission. Under her leadership, the "West is Best" series was launched, celebrating the district's artisans, merchants, and culture. In 2025, the district will mark the 150th anniversary of Webster Street with a year-long celebration of its history and future. Looking ahead, WABA plans to drive investment in infrastructure, sustainability, and cultural programming, ensuring West Alameda remains a vibrant hub for generations to come.
Throughout its history, WABA has remained a steadfast advocate for West Alameda's business community, adapting to challenges and spearheading initiatives that foster economic growth and community engagement. Its efforts have been instrumental in shaping West Alameda into the vibrant and resilient community it is today.